Monday, July 16, 2012

The winner of the 2012 Hungry, Young and Poor recipe

Sorry, it has been a while since I last posted anything. I've been really busy sitting around having cocktails and getting gems glued to my nails.

 I have a lot of new recipes, photos and update, but don't be disappointed if not all my new recipes and dining adventure consist of cheese burger turtles and Skittles pizza. However, this late night snacks I made fall right into the hungry, young and poor hall of fame. It's my ingenious interpretation of what the Germans call the meisten leckeren Snack für einen Baby-Wal.  This delicatessen is the perfect mid night snack for those who are too lazy to cook. 
1 can award winning Hormel chilli
1 hot dog

Microwave the above ingredient and serve with a side of sauerkraut, ketchup and mustard. 

Tip- Throw out hot dog and chili to make this vegetarian/ vegan friendly.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spicy Mexican Onigiri

Is it just me or has fusion cuisine been the craze in the food world lately? Well here is something delicious you can throw back at those $$$$$$ restaurants for what they call “fusion.” I call this Spicy Mexican Onigiri~ Rice ball (Onigiri) filled with chorizo and cheese.

Onigiri is a Japanese snack that you can get almost anywhere in Japan. It’s light, it’s healthy and easy to eat on the go, kind of like a sandwich but smaller. Traditionally onigiri was shaped by hand and filled with roe (fish eggs), pickled plum (umi) , tuna, salmon or just plain rich with seasoning. Here, I filled it with cheese and chorizo because that’s all I had in my fridge when I made it, but the result was YUMMMM!

Here is how you make it-
Step 1- Cook short grained Japanese rice as directed (short grained Japanese rice is more sticky then other types of rice, so make sure to use short grained Japanese rice)
Step 2- Using freshly cooked warm rice and put into a rice ball mold. (If you dont have a mold do it the traditional way and shape it with your hands)
Step 3- Push a spoon into the rice ball forming a round imprint and fill the rice ball with cooked chorizo and cheese

Step 4- cover the chorizo and cheese with more and press with top of mold
Optional: sprinkle with rice seasoning

Viola! Spicy Mexican rice balls.
Don't forget to add some happy faces with seaweed cutouts!!

(Rice balls with happy faces are made wtih brown rice and filled with tuna)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Bacon turtle cheeseburgers!!

Why is it so much fun to eat foods that are shaped like animals? I love chicken nuggets, but I find it more satisfying when I get to bit the heads off ones that are shaped like dinosaurs. And eating crackers shaped like animals are just more fun than plain old circular or rectangular crackers.
As an animal shaped food eater with many years of experience in destroying dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, biting the heads off off gummie bears and play fighting animals crackers I've move on to more sophisticated foods like bacon cheeseburger turtles.

Warning: Before recreating these bacon turtle cheeseburgers please check with your physician to ensure you are in proper health for consumption. 

The turtles I made in the above picture are mini burgers, if you have a big appetite, please replace the Vienna sausage for the head and limbs with hot dog.

How to make your own turtle (regular size):


4 lbs -ground beef
1 large onion diced
Worcester sauce
Salt, pepper
1 pack of bacon
9 hot dogs
Cheddar cheese

Step 1- Mix ground beef, onion,  worcester sauce, pinch of salt pepper and form meat into patties
Step 2- Cut hot dogs in half at a 45 degree angle
Step 3- Insert hot dogs into meat patties creating the head, tail and feet of the turtle
Step 4- Lay cheese on top of meat patties
Step 6- Lay bacon on top of cheese and weave, secure ends under the patties
Step 7- Grill

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spaghetti factory pasta dish

When I was a kid I was mesmerized by the PlayDoh spaghetti fun factory. There's just something about squeezing long strings of PlayDoh out of the mold that gets me excited. Now that I am older I found a new way to get just as much excitement with real spaghetti noodles. 

First, cut your favorite hot dogs into 1.5"-2" chunks, then stab as many spaghetti noodles through it as possible.

Then, you follow boiling instructions for your pasta and boil the hot dog spaghetti combo.
At this point, you can pretty much stop what you are doing and proceed to play with your food. Here are some ideas- you can make your hot dog spaghetti into necklaces, bracelets and hair accessories, or if you are the mischievous type, hide and throw these at people. The people you hit will thank you, since not everyone can say they got hit by a hot dog with spaghetti oozing out of it. 

As for me, I love food, so i prefer to add pasta sauce, top it with parmesan cheese and chow down. Enjoy!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pizza is now also a fruit

Don't you all hate it when your parents constantly remind you to eat your fruits and vegetables? Well, thanks to congress, pizza is now deemed a vegetable, but for those of us who are lazy like me, we are probably still behind on our daily fruit intake. But, thanks to my ingenious self, we can now deem pizza not only a vegetable but also a fruit!! If congress can call pizza a vegetable for having veggie toppings why can't we call it a fruit if we top it with Skittles? Using a conditional "if...then" statement that I learned in Logic 101,  I can prove my statement - If congress declare that veggies on pizza= pizza is a veggie, then Skittles (fruit candy) on pizza = pizza is a fruit.

Here is how you can turn your pizza into fruit-

Step 1- buy a slice of pizza (whole pie will work as well)
Step 2- buy a bag of Skittles or equivalent fruit candy such as Starburst
Step 3- methodically placer Skittle on pizza
Step 4- You now have a fruit! Enjoy!

Run chicken run!!

A couple of years ago, I attended a Pi(e) party on national Pi day. But, to my surprise, I was only one of very few who took their time and got creative with their cooking.

Below is a picture of the the final product of my chicken feet chicken pot pie (with chicken tracks). The creamy filling is made with fresh chunky chicken breast meat, carrots, peas and diced celery.  Isn't it much more fun to eat food that wants to get away from you?

In the below picture, the feet in the inside the pie was added for dramatic effect. It's meant to bring some kicks to the brave souls who think they can move the chicken feet on the crust and  eat the pie without facing the wrath of the chicken ninja!

How you can make your own:

Step 1- Go to the Asian market and pick up some chicken fee
Step 2- Boil 2 pairs of feet
Step 3- Follow instructions to your favorite chicken pot pie recipe
Step 4- throw in chicken feet
Step 5- Cut out chicken track marks on pie crust
Step 6- Bake the pie
Step 7- Strategically place 2nd pair of feet on top of crust